Thursday, March 6, 2008

Watch out everyone I am mobile. I have started crawling and believe it or not, am getting ready to walk. I can follow Danny all over the house, but Mommy and Daddy got this thing that blocks me out of the kitchen and other places that they don't want me to be. HA! Danny and I are already plotting to go over that gate and full run of the house. Mom and Dad have no idea of what the two of us are going to do. Watch out world here comes the Rice brothers.

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Time Out for George

When George and I were playing in my room, he decided to bonk me on the head. He thought that was so funny that he bonked me in the head again. Well, that was it!!!! Curious or not he had to know that I don't like that, so I put him on "time-out". He was a good little monkey and has never done that again.

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Afternoon of Fun with Oma

One afternoon, I saw that we had a couple of dandilions that needed to be blown. Oma helped me with that. Then we decided that Grant needed to experience grass for the first time. He wanted to eat it, because right now he wants to eat EVERYTHING. Well, we had so much fun I can't wait till we do it again.

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